Creative Financing Solutions?
Do you have a project for which you can't find the right financing structure?
Or none of the available financing solutions is not the right one?
We put our creativity at work and together with you we try to find the right financing solution tailored to your needs.
Depending on the company needs, ACCESS FINANCIAL SERVICES will propose the most advantageous solution. If your company meets the eligibility criteria, you will have access to financing in just 24 hours after signing the credit contract, without bureaucracy and with minimum guarantees.
All you need to do is to fill in the application on-line or contact one of our representatives.
Contact Us
Do you need short term financing?
You only have to contact us and one of our representatives will provide you with further information.
Phone numbers
26 Armand Calinescu Str.,
Business Center
1rd Floor, Part A, District 2
Bucharet, 021012, Romania
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