What is Factoring and how does it work?
Factoring is a flexible and quick way to improve your cash flow and to finance the working capital that your business needs.
This type of financing will help you carry out your activities without being dependent on the moment you collect your invoices and will ensure the working capital you need to develop the business.
If you need working capital, ACCESS FINANCIAL SERVICES can finance the invoices issued by your company, resulting from delivery of goods, execution of works or services, and ensures the receivables management by their administration and collection upon maturity.
Also, you receive the amounts financed in an account of your choice, within 24 hours from signing the factoring contract.
All you need to do is to fill in the online application or contact one of our representatives.
Contact Us
Do you need short term financing?
You only have to contact us and one of our representatives will provide you with further information.
26 Armand Calinescu Str.,
Business Center
1st Floor, Part A, District 2
Bucharest, 021012, Romania
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